
The original jetty was built in about 1969 by Cyril Bond with help from his son Malcolm Bond and stood the club well for nearly 40 years, over the years the original structure was burried when the cliff was blasted and the rigging area created so the jetty was lengthened a "T" section was added that later washed away, the decking was replaced and by 2007 there was serious degredation to the structure and the club was investigating what to do next.

In April 2009 the jetty was destroyed in a storm leaving the club with the job of designing and building a replacement.

Thanks to the gererous assistance of two members (brothers) John and Micheal Semelbauer we now have a  magnificent new jetty that will last for very many decades as opposed to a wooden structure that requires constant mantenance and has a short life span.

The photo's show some of the stages of construction as well as the old jetty after the storm.