The club offers Sail training for all ages in the clubs own boats Open skiff, Sabot, Sabre and Pacers and is supervised by accredited training officers. Our training sessions for 2024-25- will kick off with Sail Training Introduction at the Club on Sunday 29/9/2024 from 9:00am till 11:30pm including Sail Training Introduction sail from 9:30 until 11:30 to give trainees an experience in various classes.
Training starts on Sunday 13th October from 9:00 am to 11:00am and runs weekly through until December.
Then after the Christmas break we run Race Training sessions each morning before normal club racing, refer calendar for dates.
Sailing Calendar
For more details contact
Tony Van Galan on 0428 782 130
Steve Miller on 0406 864 602
Link to training videos

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