2017 Sarah Lovell Pittwater Regatta
Let me start off by thanking all the volunteers who made this event possible, Beverley Mitchell in the canteen with Marlene, Byron and Lynn.
The Pickup boat and mark boat crews who had a bit of action in the afternoon on day two.
A big thank you to Helen Eggins RO in the start boat with Barry and Bridget and then Peter Sluce and Tony on day two.
There are lots of others who all helped out and my apologies for not thanking them all during the presentation of the trophies.
This weekend presented the most challenging conditions to run our regatta in the history of the event with Thunder and rain, no wind nice wind and at the end challenging wind, well done to everyone.
Day one
With an eager fleet heading out on day one the breeze was still stuck in the east setting a difficult task for the race crew.
After a wait the breeze finally came in from the south and built to around 12 knots allowing a start as to the north some serious dark clouds were heading our way.
Race one got away with the 17 boat Sabre fleet away first followed by the 8 boat NS fleet and last away the 11 boat B14 fleet sadly reduced by one with Tony VanGalen tearing a finger open rigging his boat.
The course was a bit mini with the B14s around in less than 12 minutes, Robbie Hunt and Ben Morgan took the gun in The Hitcher from Kirsty Gray and Julian Salter in Pinky and the Brain with Rocket Ship Adrian Beswickand Tom Killalea third.
The NS14s would have been won by Under The Radar Nick McElwee and Brianna McElwee however they ducked through the line on the wrong side of the finish boat and had to re round Serenity Scott Wilkie decided to do a third lap which allowed Pumpkin Eater Darren Eggins and Alistair Lord to sneak into first with Serenity recovering for second and Under the Radar third.
In the Sabre fleet 2XS Matt Pearce had a clear win from Tenacity Tom Males second just ahead of Essence Matt Westland in third.
The sky had darked quite a bit by the time the second longer race got away with a little extra gap between the Sabres and the NS's to reduce congestion at the top mark.
As the race progressed thunder and lightening became very apparent and the race committee decided to finish the race and send everyone ashore before conditions became dangerous.
This time Pinky and the Brain got through The Hitcher on the last down wind to finish first from The Hitcher with Rocket Ship again third.
The NS14's was won by Serenity from Under the Radar and then Pumpkin Eater.
The Sabres were again won by 2XS from Tenacity and Essence third, local sailor Lucas Upton did well to finish both races in fourth.
Once the boats were ashore the weather was still unstable and racing was abandoned for the day.
Day two
Well as they say a picture tells a thousand words and as you can see not only did we get a bit of everything weather wise there was lots of tight racing with crowded bouy roundings and close starts and finishes it is all a bit of a blur.
The first race of the day got away a bit late waiting for the wind which sort of settled in from the north with all races on day two featured a third lap for the B14s.
The right hand side payed off on the first work which spread the fleet and by race end it was a bit of a shake up in the Sabres with Alchemy Adrian West first from Wasabi Guy McDougall second and Grass Hopper Lucas Upton third.
In the NS14s Under the Radar Nick McElwee and Brianna McElwee first from Magic and Loss Barrie & Magnus McIndoe second and Pumpkin Eater Darren Eggins and Alistair Lord third.
In the B14s The Hitcher Robbie Hunt and Ben Price took the gun from Pinky and the Brain Kirsty Gray and Julian Salter second and Phantom Steve Miller and Lauren Bird in third.
The next race got away in a bit more breeze which faded as the race went on and in the case of the B14s died out on the last lap stranding some early front runners and allowing some of the back markers to close up for a blanket finish.
In the Sabres Essence Matt Westand took the gun from 2XS Matthew Pearce and Tenacity Tom Males in third.
The NS14s again saw Under the Radar first with Serenity Scott Wilkie and Vicky Hine second and Pumpkin Eater third.
In the B14s Pinky and the Brain took the gun from The Hitcher second and sailing their race of the series Bang Bang Stephen Mitchell and Adrian Bell in third.
After waiting around for some time hoping for a bit of breeze we finally got a decent breeze from the North which made for some fast and exciting racing and a few boats going for a swim as the breeze built during the race.
In the Sabres it was Essence again taking the gun from Tenacity second and 2XS in third.
In the NS14s it was again Under the Radar from Serenity second and Pumpkin Eater third.
The B14s had a great race with the third lap in the strongest breeze for the day and despite being the lightest crew at the event Pinky and the Brain sailed a great race to take the gun from The Hitcher second and Phantom third.
Over all in the Sabres it was:
1st 2XS Matthew Pearce on seven points net
2nd Essence Matt Westland on 8 points
3rd Tenacity Tom Males on 9 points
In the NS14's
1st Under the Radar Nick McElwee on 5 points
2nd Serenity Scott Wilkie and Gus Wilkie (Sat) and Vicky Hine (Sun) on 7 points
3rd Pumpkin Eater Darren Eggins and Alistair Lord on 10 points
In the B14's
1st Pinky and the Brain Kristy Gray and Julian Salter on 5 points
2nd The Hitcher Robbie Hunt and Ben Price on 6 points
3rd Phantom Steve Miller and Lauren Bird on 14 points
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Full results at the foot of the page
photos courtesy of Lynn Keil and the MPYC facebook page