A great day on the water with a big group of trainees out on the water in the morning testing their skills in a variety of conditions as it turned out.
Following lunch we had Pennants 5 & 6 with six Sabres and six NS14s , two windsurfers and unfortunately just the one B14 all in a slowly building breeze of about 10 knots with gusts 12-15 knots and at the end of the second race a nice sea breeze of 15 knots and gusts to 18.
In the Sabres it was father and daughter having a great race with Chris Keil leading Lauren Keil home and next it was Sister Brother pair with Joanne Verrier home ahead of Guy McDougall.
In the NS14s Sundaze Sam & Lindy Bailey were first from Spinifex Peter & Karen Davis in second and Noiseworks Stephen Townsend and Jayden Gadischke in third. B14s Phantom Steve Miller and Saffy Davidson.
In the windsurfers it was Dan Ford just two seconds clear of G Pollard.
On handicap it was Apisca Jo-Anne Verrier first Sweet Disposition Lauren Keil second and Wasabi Guy McDougall and TBA tied for third, in the NS14s Avengers Lewis Bowen and Jess Smith first Noiseworks second and Spinifex third.
Pennant 6
Some more close racing and a little bit stronger breeze this time and again it was TBA leading Sweet Disposition and Apisca in third. The NS14s saw Serenity Scott Wilkie and Bel Healey lead all race from Sundaze and Spinifex in third. B14s Pantom and Windsurfers Dan Ford winning this time by 30 seconds from G Pollard.
On handicap Sabres it was Loose Change Phil Bloomfield first TBA second and Wasabi Guy McDougall in third. NS14s Serenity first Spinifex second and Noiseworks third. B14 Phantom and Windsurfers same order as above.
Next week is Pennants 7 & 8 and training week six.